Location: East of Telegraph Rd - Pontiac, MI
Concrete Contractor & Supplier: Bos Concrete
Prime Contractor: Mark Anthony Contracting
Engineer: HRC
Owner: City of Pontiac
What do you do when you have a road that needs to be reconstructed, but you have to maintain access to business owners and their customers along the roadway? What if there was an alternative to standard concrete paving that is just as durable but does not have as long of a cure time? Maybe you would consider compacted concrete pavement just like the City of Pontiac did on Vanguard Drive.
With shipping and freight facilities on the eastern end of Vanguard Drive needing to maintain access to their sites throughout construction, and in the interest of reducing overall construction time, the City of Pontiac chose compacted concrete pavement, which is a slightly different mix than typical concrete and is placed with a high-density paver that has dual tamping bars and a heavy screed to achieve high compaction rates.
Mark Anthony and Bos Concrete teamed up to complete this project, with Mark Anthony’s crews performing the removal, excavating, grading, and curb & gutter work, while Bos Concrete set up a portable plant to produce the compacted concrete mixture and used their high-density paver to place the material on the road. Engineers from HRC assisted the city with designing the project and also performed quality assurance testing in the form of density measurements on the freshly placed concrete slab. The result is a quick yet durable product that will serve as an example of how the concrete industry can provide solutions to meet the infrastructure needs of both commuters and communities in Michigan.
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