Contractor: Romanko Building Company
Supplier: Messina Concrete, Inc.
Design Engineer: Sidock Group
Architect: Travis Mayer Architect
QA/QC Consultant: Bowser Morner
Owner: Safe Harbor Toledo Beach Marina
Toledo Beach Marina is a large marine complex unique to the Lake Erie area with 250 acres of beautiful surrounding green space with over 550 deep-water boat slips. The marina also includes large-capacity equipment capable of lifting boats up to 70 feet in length.
This new 75,000-square-foot dry storage facility was constructed to replace the former 47,000-square-foot Rack-N-Launch Building destroyed in a fire in December 2020. The new facility enhancements included LED lighting, a second bay in the front instead of one, racks that are freestanding and adjustable, and the entire building is insulated and heated with an upgraded fire suppression system. Finally, the facility will also be supported by a new forklift capable of lifting 25,000 pounds.
The floor slab was placed in three (3) separate pours each achieving the required super floor flatness required for the modern high-low/lift equipment with a 25-foot high storage rack system.
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