The Michigan Concrete Association (MCA) was established in 1952 as a forum for the state's ready mixed concrete industry and as an educational resource for consumers. The Michigan Concrete Paving Association (MCPA) was founded in 1968 as the statewide professional organization of the concrete pavement industry. The current Michigan Concrete Association (MCA) was formed, in 2009, by the merger of the Michigan Concrete Paving Association (MCPA) and the Michigan Concrete Association (MCA).
Today, the Association membership includes concrete paving contractors, ready-mix concrete suppliers, concrete contractors, cement companies, aggregate suppliers, equipment manufacturers, bulk material haulers, concrete product manufacturers, bonding and insurance companies, consulting firms, and others allied with the concrete construction industry.
Concrete has proven itself as the "surface of choice" in road construction. It's extremely durable and long-lasting, cost-effective and safe. The world's first mile of concrete highway was built on Woodward Avenue in 1909. In fact, the vast majority of Michigan's original state and interstate highway system was first built with concrete more than 50 years ago, providing an average life of 35-40 years. Originally constructed during World War II, the Davison Freeway had carried traffic for 54 years when reconstructed in 1997. Some of those original pavements are still in use today, proving that concrete is a superior road construction material that stands the test of time.
The major highway system is our state's economic backbone - totaling nearly 4,400 miles and carrying more than 75 percent of our state's commercial truck traffic. The amount of truck traffic is expected to increase as Michigan's economy diversifies and grows, highlighting the importance of cost effective roads that last.
As directed in the Constitution & Bylaws, the MCA Board of Directors (BOD) is the primary governing body. The BOD oversees the activities of the Michigan Concrete Association (MCA). Members of the MCA elect fellow members to serve three-year terms on the Board of Directors, which consists of 15 representatives from a cross section of companies.
The Board of Directors also elects six of its members to serve on an Executive Committee responsible for overseeing day-to-day management of the Association.
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