Contractor: Albanelli Cement Contractors, Inc.
Supplier: Superior Materials, LLC.
Design Engineer: Hobbs & Black Associates, Inc.
Owner: Kirk in the Hills Presbyterian
Patterned after Scotland’s 13th-century Melrose Abbey, Kirk in the Hills is a majestic, gothic-style church, located on a 41-acre lakeside setting in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Set within beautifully landscaped gardens and grounds, the Kirk features a beautiful design set in a unique environment.
This project included the placement of an elevated exposed aggregate walkway, balcony, and stairwell. The concrete was placed an average of 5-inches thick and required two separate placements one for the exposed aggregate and then a second for the plain concrete perimeter band.
Both placements required near-flawless finishing on the part of the Albanelli crews and consistent batching from the supplier Superior Materials. Scheduling of work had to be closely coordinated with Church administrators so as not to interrupt various services. The sensitively placed flatwork complements the existing beauty of the surrounding stonework, sculptures, and gorgeous landscaping, thus further enhancing this stunning setting.
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