Location: Dewitt Rd & Clark Rd, Clinton County, MI
Concrete Contractor: T&D Concrete Construction, LLC
Prime Contractor: Malley Construction
Concrete Supplier: High-Grade Materials
Owner: Clinton County Road Commission
On DeWitt Road just south of Interstate 69 lies the intersection with Clark Road. It has long been a 4-way stop-controlled intersection, but the recent work completed by Malley Construction and T&D Concrete has remade this junction into Clinton County’s first roundabout. And a concrete roundabout to boot, chosen for its aesthetics and long-term durability.
This project was fast-tracked by the county – bid in September 2020, the project team hit the ground running in the spring of 2021 and started placing concrete in April. A team effort was used to assist with the joint layout, ensuring a quality end result and a great-looking intersection for motorists to navigate.
The county is very proud of this project and held a Grand Opening ribbon-cutting ceremony on June 3rd of 2021, to celebrate a quick and efficient job that was well-done from start to finish, in only about two months!
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