Location: City of Dearborn
Concrete Contractor: Zuniga Cement Construction, Inc.
Concrete Supplier: Hercules Materials, LLC
Owner: City of Dearborn
Bearing extreme loading from Bazo construction’s steel shipments as well as traffic from multiple businesses, it’s safe to say Brandt Street had taken a beating over the years and was in dire need of some attention. Luckily this reconstruction was just what was needed.
During construction, Zuniga Cement and Hercules had their fair share of obstacles, which included summer heat, cold water, maintaining traffic, and early starts. It was tedious work keeping access to businesses open during construction, which involved partial closures and temporary detours to adjacent streets. As a result, Brandt Street was constructed in two phases to help mitigate these issues.
Paving consisted of 7,300 square yards of 10-inch concrete over 9 inches of aggregate base, 3,800 square yards of 8-inch commercial driveway apron, and 3,800 square yards of concrete sidewalk running parallel to the street, all of which were formed by hand. Efforts were worth it though, as the result is a tough and sturdy concrete pavement capable of handling any extreme loading Brandt Street may face for decades to come.
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